Jac's Gluten Free Bakery in Hicksville NY

If you are near the Long Island, New York area, you need to check out Jac's Bakeshop & Bistro in Hicksville. I went there for the first time 2 weeks ago when they opened and have been back many times since. We have sampled and enjoyed many items such as their bagels, sandwich bread, bistro rolls, crumb cake, pretzels, rainbow cookies and cupcakes. It is great that they are gluten free but what I love even more is that their products are natural, 100% whole grain, use organic unrefined sugars, all natural food coloring and are 80% organic. Many of their items are also dairy free, egg free and vegan. I have not had a decent bagel since going gluten free. I've tried some gluten free bagels but none of them were that good so I'd rather just not have them. Jac's bagels are amazing and taste just like a traditional NY bagel. The bistro buns were great fresh, but also great after being frozen and defrosted for later use. I now keep some in my freezer so anytime we nee...